21 Jan 2020Mont Marte

Are you ready to tackle your creative goals? We’ve got your back with 7 fun and effective ways to hit your targets. You’ll be surprised at how much easier it is to achieve your goals with a few tricks up your sleeve.

1. Set goals that you’re excited about

Blurred woman placing fingers in dried messy colour palette.

Setting goals that you’re excited about is the first step to success. Think about something you’d really like to achieve and go from there.

2. Get a creativity partner

4 peoples hands using lead pencils on there own sperate pages, with coloured pastels in the centre of the table, 2 people sitting across from another 2.

Sharing your goals with a friend or fellow creative can help give you a little extra motivation to get it done. Whether they’re checking in with you regularly or bringing it up every now and then, it helps to know that someone is backing you. Think of it as your personal cheer leader.

3. Break big goals into small steps

Woman's hand painting orange watercolour flowers on page with paint brush.

Sometimes looking at a big goal can be daunting. Do yourself a favour and break your main goal into smaller steps. These smaller steps help you to see the progress you’re making so that you feel motivated to keep working towards your big goal. For example, if you want to get better at drawing portraits, your smaller goals might be to draw one portrait every week or attend a drawing class every fortnight (or both!).

4. Create a tracker

Goal review page drawn in pen on a white page sitting on wooden table with red, green and black pens on top.

Creating a visual tracker so that you can see your progress is a great way to keep moving forward. You can even make it fun by using coloured pens or markers to track your progress. If you’re not sure if this will work for you, give it a go for one week to find out.

5. Be kind to yourself and your work

Woman sketching an abstract gnome in lead pencil.

A key part of creative goal setting is to be kind to yourself. If you’re getting frustrated with your painting skills, remember that each time you paint you’re making progress. Instead of looking at an artwork and being unhappy with it, break it down into what you do like and aspects that you would like to improve on. Then set some time aside to fine-tune the areas you’re not 100% happy with.

6. Soak up inspiration

Woman sitting on wooden bench turning head to look at wall with 4 hanging abstract art works.

Let yourself regularly indulge in inspiration. You might like to follow artists on Instagram, visit your local art gallery or watch some creative videos.

7. Share your work

Woman holding pink, red, blue, orange and yellow coloured art work in front of body only showing her hands and top part of her face.

Your art is worth sharing! Whether you post your work on social media or show it to a family member – start putting your work out there. This can be extremely rewarding and can help motivate you. You can even tag us on Instagram or Facebook using @montmarteart so that we can check out your work too! 


By reading this article you’ve already taken the first step to achieving your goals! Why stop now? Let’s make it a creative year together.